Search console performance report stuck again (september 17 2021)

Search Console is one of the most important tools for understanding performance of your website in the Google search engine. With daily measurements we can measure ups, downs and indicate optimization results.

Our webmasters and SEO specialists are closely associated with this source of SEO information. Through working with multiple web applications and webshops, we analyze and optimize the platforms from our customers to increase traffic, conversion rate and online sales.

Surprisingly, from 17 of september there is no updates anymore. Official message from Google Search Console team is:

“September 18- (Search, Discover), An internal problem is causing a delay in the performance report data. We're working to resolve this delay. This is only a reporting issue and does not affect your site's crawling, indexing, or ranking in Google. An internal problem is causing a delay in the performance report data. We’re working to resolve this de- lay. This is only a reporting issue and does not affect your site’s crawling, indexing, or ranking in Google.”

Google, you're stuck… again. You can see that in 2021 it will be the 5th “Data anomalies in Search Console” will be. For example, in July 2021, such a problem was 7 days. In 2020, such problems occurred 4 times. Current Search Console Since issue is officially recognized after 5 days, but it's hard to say when it will be dissolved. In such cases, Google usually sends a notification to its official address to keep site owners informed. So you have to be patient and wait or… This can cause chaos and slow down weekly reports, the search results of Google Search Console seems to crash. Fortunately, our technical team has a toolbox developed with various traffic analysis and SEO tools. We can do a deeper gain insight into the traffic of our websites and that of customers.

Is Search Engine Optimization Important?

Almost every business needs more sales, customers, traction, conversions – you name it. But how can you better represent your company online? The answer is simple, beat your competition by being more visible and higher in the search results of google. It is well known that a higher position in Google search results de can increase sales and conversions exponentially. We regularly see that our SEO clients dramatically increase their sales by just getting higher in Google. 4BIS can you help to make your website SEO-optimized.

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