5 SEO optimization tips for existing websites

Do you have an existing website that has not been ranking well in Google lately? This can be problematic. Especially if it is a webshop or the website is an important source of income. That's why we will help you with a number of SEO optimization tips for an existing website.

Tip 1: Optimize the web design

The experience of the visitor to your website is extremely important. Web design is the basis of this. Web design must be clear and uncluttered. In addition, it must bring a certain appeal to the visitor. We can help you by modernizing your web design and software!

Tip 2: Improve the speed of your website

For search engines, the speed of your website is number 1 when it comes to SEO optimization. No matter how well put together your website is, if it is slow, it is of no use to you. That is why you can improve the speed of your website with us. Contact us for our custom web hosting to find out!

Tip 3: Stimulate conversion on your website

Conversion is extremely important for the search engines. Search engines are more likely to rank you if you have a clear and well-arranged link network on your website. It is always worth investing some time in this. Make sure you have a clear network for internal and external links!

Tip 4: Build landing pages for specific keywords

Landing pages offer additional opportunities to be found. By building landing pages for specific keywords, you get more out of your findability. For this it is important to do good keyword research and see which landing pages you can get the most out of.

When it comes to keywords for landing pages, you can choose from many pages. Longer keywords with a lower search volume are ideal for this, so that you can be found more specifically. Would you prefer fewer landing pages? Short and clear keywords are a better focus. Both options can also be alternated.

Tip 5: Optimize the metadata

The metadata quickly shows up in search engines. You see the meta title immediately before you click on a website. An interesting meta description completely draws visitors in. Therefore, make sure that the metadata is properly optimized. The easiest way to do this is to keep the title with the keyword as the meta title. For the meta description, use a maximum of 160 characters (including spaces) and include the relevant keyword once. This optimizes your metadata!

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