Is there a reason to use the latest versions of PHP and migrate all dependencies? Of course!
Our search:
I was looking on the setting of the project of 1 year old that has a serious requirement on calculation and processing resources. It is an asset management and analyses platform. Our current setup uses PHP 7.0.2. Making a decision to migrate to recently published PHP 7.1.0 (December 2016) was not obvious, cause improvement list is more focused on mnemonics and some adjustments.
So I dig in it and found that increase of speed for Symfony 2.8 will be around 6% and amount of served pages grows for 7% comparing to PHP 7.0.2. Which is a great benefit for a complex software as this.
Our setup is even more advanced – PHP 7.2, Symfony 3.2.2
Of course you need to cast some magic with configuration of Cicirle that not yet officially not supporting PHP 7.1 out of the box and Heroku.