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At 4BIS we believe in innovation by providing good digital tools and the best technical solutions. We are happy to write about how we do that on our 4BIS Blog. Read with us here about fun tech events we attend, what developments are taking place in the workplace and other technical news. In short, a lot of fun reading!

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Web application: What exactly is it and when is it useful?

Web development, Software Modernisation

You have most likely come across the term web app or web application. A web app is an app that can be accessed via the internet (usually your browser). In this blog we will further explain what a web app is and how it comes in handy.

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How do I choose the right software for my web application?

Web development, Saas, WordPress

If you are creating your own web application, website or webshop, software is still quite an issue. Software and web development comes in different shapes and sizes. The choice therefore does not become easier.

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5 SEO optimization tips for existing websites

SEO / SEA, Knowledge Base, Digital Marketing

Do you have an existing website that has not been ranking well in Google lately? This can be problematic. Especially if it is a webshop or the website is an important source of income. That's why we will help you with a number of SEO optimization tips...

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Mastering React Hooks: Unleashing the Power of useContext and useReducer React Hooks Part 2

Knowledge Base, React

In the dynamic realm of React development, understanding and harnessing the potential of hooks is essential. In the second installment of our React Hooks series, we delve into the realms of useContext and useReducer. These hooks, when combined, offer...

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What To-Do without a handy list! DIY To-Do list mini tool!

Knowledge Base, React

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, everyone relies on to-do lists to stay organized. However, the downside is the clutter of physical notes on your desk. To address this, I embarked on a mini project to create a tool that allows me to store my to-do...

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Mastering React Hooks Series Unveiling the Power of useRef (Part 3)

Knowledge Base, React

Welcome back to the third part of our React Hooks series! In the previous blog posts, we delved into the fascinating world of hooks, exploring their significance and discussing essential hooks like useState, useEffect, useContext, and useReducer. These...

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Enhance User Experience and Navigation with 4BIS Intro Demo Maker WordPress Plugin


Is your website feeling cluttered, leaving visitors unsure of where to navigate? Fear not! We have the perfect solution for you – introducing the 4BIS Intro Demo Maker plugin. This powerful WordPress plugin allows you to create engaging and informative...

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Optimize Your React App with useCallback and useMemo: React Hooks Series Part 4

Knowledge Base, React

In this fourth installment, we'll delve into the powerful world of useCallback and useMemo. These hooks are essential for memoizing values and callbacks, offering significant performance improvements, especially when dealing with heavy operations or...

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React Hooks Part 1 State & Effect: Simplify Your React Components

Knowledge Base, React

Introduced in version 16.8, React Hooks are a revolutionary addition to React that allows you to incorporate functionalities from Class-Based components into functional components. This first part of the blog focuses on key features like useEffect and...

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