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At 4BIS we believe in innovation by providing good digital tools and the best technical solutions. We are happy to write about how we do that on our 4BIS Blog. Read with us here about fun tech events we attend, what developments are taking place in the workplace and other technical news. In short, a lot of fun reading!

Want to know more about what 4BIS is working on? Then check out our latest updates here!

Top 7 features of high-performing websites


Why do people make websites, exactly? Hint, it’s not just for the fun of it. A website is a strategic business investment that can sometimes make a dent in a small company’s budget; as such, it needs to be rewarding enough to be worth the time, energy,...

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How to track your website’s exit rates with Google Tag Manager Google Analytics

Web development, Knowledge Base, SEO / SEA

Your website is a gold mine of data to get to know your customers and visitors. What they do, what they click, and how many times, can tell you a lot about what they want. A website, when integrated with a data analysis and data management system such...

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Web development, Knowledge Base, PHP, Symfony, Bootstrap

Running a company usually generates a lot of data! Customer information, product stock, orders, the whole financial aspect, etc. All this valuable data is pretty much useless if it’s not displayed or manipulated the right way. To be able to get the most...

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Front tools

Software Modernisation, Knowledge Base, Automate

At 4BIS we are continuously working on new building blocks to the make our lives, our users lives and their users lives easier! We create our own flexible parts the we can offer to our customers.

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New developments, our very own 4BIS cms

Software Modernisation, Automate, PHP, Symfony

We wouldn't be called 4BIS innovations if we weren't interested in renewing technologies. With so many people so many wishes, which in turn can give us new ideas and inspire us to innovative projects.

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Search console performance report stuck again (september 17 2021)

Digital Marketing, Web development, SEO / SEA, Ecommerce / Webshop

Search Console is one of the most important tools to understand the performance of your website in the Google search engine. With daily measurements we can indicate ups and downs and optimization results. Our webmasters and SEO specialists are...

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Part 4 of the React Hooks series useMemo & useCallback

Knowledge Base, React

Part 4 of the ReactHooks series! We're going to talk about useCallback and useMemo. With these hooks we can memoize values or callbacks, which can be useful for heavy operations or to ensure that certain components do not always render.

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Redux the Intro!

Knowledge Base, Automate, React

This week a brief introduction to the 4 basic concepts you need to understand Redux. We are going to briefly explain how state is adjusted in a Redux Store using Reducers and Actions. And we tell what all these concepts do and how they work in a Redux...

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Functional Components vs. Class Based Components

Knowledge Base, JavaScript, React, HTML & CSS

<p>Functional VS Class Based Components, this week I'm going to show how you can create a component in React with these two different ways and what the major differences are between them. And why functional components are increasing in popularity.</p>

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And what can we do for you?_

Do you want to know more or are you interested? Please feel free to contact us directly, by phone or via mail.
Or use one of our contact forms so that we can answer you as quickly and appropriately as possible can give. We would love to hear from you!

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