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QuoteManager: what is it and why do you need it?

Business software, Symfony, PHP, Logistics

Thanks to technological progress, we now live in a world where it’s easier than ever before to communicate with anyone, from anywhere. In business, new and faster communication practices have led to the boom of multinational companies and have created...

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PHP 8.0 Just In Time with Attributes and much more

Web development, PHP, Software Modernisation

<p>Wait a little while and then the new version of PHP comes from version 8.0. This brings a lot of fun new functions such as the Jit Compiler, Union types, and attributes. I will briefly discuss these 3 things so that you get an idea of what the coming...

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Is it worth to migrate to PHP 7.1 for Symfony project?

Symfony, PHP, Web development, Software Modernisation

I was looking on the setting of the project of 1 year old that has a serious requirement on calculation and processing resources. It is an asset management and analyses platform. Our current setup uses PHP 7.0.2. Making a decision to migrate to recently...

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