What is HTML & CSS?

Many people believe that HTML and CSS are the same, but they’re actually both quite distinct languages. While they are often used together in coding and Web design, they can both be used separately too, and both have a myriad of different applications.

HTML defines the content and the structure of a webpage, whereas CSS translates the display and the design of the HTML elements. As a result, an HTML can incorporate CSS code in its files, but CSS cannot contain HTML in its sheets.

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The basics

HTML is the programming language used to create a website’s basic foundation. This means learning the language will offer you comprehensive knowledge of web pages’ working and other essential concepts. CSS is the language responsible for giving exquisite design features to a website.


HTML - CSS are programming languages that can be used in various software and together with other programming languages. Its flexibility is a must have as we tend to use lots of different software for our projects. As HTML - CSS is compatible with all devices it makes it even more interesting as we want to make our software available to everyone.


At 4BIS we use Symfony as our go to framework for many different types of web applications. For example, this website is made using our own in-house developed Symfony based CMS, but our customer portal also runs on Symfony.

4BIS is very experienced with Symfony development as we have been using it since 2015 and in that time we have done over 100 projects using it. These projects are of various types and sizes, some of them are single websites while others are complex multi-application systems.

Do you need a stable, secured and fast application build with the help of Symfony - PHP Development? Contact us right away!

To read more about Symfony PHP-Development, click the link below.





4BIS Customer Portal: Manage Domains, Projects, and Services Easily

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React: The Magic of Facebook

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Create your own DIY JavaScript search bar

Web development, Knowledge Base, JavaScript, HTML & CSS

Today I'm going to show you how to create a simple search bar for a large table or list. Sometimes lists or tables become so large that it becomes a challenge to extract the data you need. In such a case, a search bar can offer a solution. The search...

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