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Artificial Intelligence vs Machine Learning: This is the Difference

Software Modernisation, Knowledge Base, Automate, Web development

Nowadays, many terms are thrown around interchangeably. You sometimes hear about Artificial Intelligence, but also about Machine Learning and perhaps even Deep Learning. This can make it quite unclear what exactly the term is that you are looking for...

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5 Reasons Why You Want to Connect All Your Tools

Software Modernisation, Web development, Business software, Knowledge Base, Automate

Integrations are extremely important to ensure smooth collaboration between all your tools. Unfortunately, it still often happens that companies make some activities run less smoothly by not properly linking their tools. This is of course a shame because...

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No secure server connection: These are the most common connection errors

Knowledge Base

Error messages when looking up a website are common. Although they are often easy to solve, they still often go wrong. This could be due to a small error, but this can immediately prevent a connection error. Resolving these errors requires some steps....

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Domain Name Sales Software: This is How This Comes in Handy

Digital Marketing, Knowledge Base

Domain name sales software is indispensable if you want to sell domains. Selling domains has become increasingly popular, with private domains being bought up and sold for a high profit. The easiest way to do this is with domain name sales software.

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What is a widget?

Software Modernisation, Knowledge Base, React, Business software

Many people come across widgets, but they are not always clear. So many people wonder, what is a widget? We explain what exactly a widget is in this blog.

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WP admin error 500 in Wordpress: 5 solutions

WordPress, Knowledge Base

The WP admin error 500 in Wordpress is extremely common. The Internal Server Error with status code HTTP error 500 is less easy to solve than other errors, where the solution is often obvious. The HTTP error 500 can be caused by several reasons. That...

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WordPress and Plugins – A world that opens up for you!

WordPress, Web development, Ecommerce / Webshop, Knowledge Base, WooCommerce

With plugins you can expand the functionality of WordPress or add completely new functions to WordPress. You can make plugins yourself, provided you know PHP, or you can download them.

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Unveiling Where Innovation Meets Ingenuity

SEO / SEA, Software Modernisation, Web development, PHP, Symfony, Digital Marketing

In the bustling realm of technology, staying updated is not just a necessity but a lifestyle. With an overflow of information bombarding us daily, having a reliable source to curate and present the latest tech news becomes invaluable. Enter,...

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HR software: This is how you automate Human Resource Management

Business software, Software Modernisation, Web development, Automate

HRM, also known as Human Resource Management, is an important part for every company. Especially if you have many employees, an HR department is indispensable. However, it is not necessary to have a huge HR department. Much can be automated using HR...

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